19 resources for 2016 in Government | Clear filters

Business Registry : 2016

A listing of businesses registered in the Palo Alto business registry (BRC)

Business Registry : 2016

A listing of businesses registered in the Palo Alto business registry (BRC)

Business Registry Certificate - 2016

A listing of businesses registered in the City of Palo Alto Business Registry

Business Registry Certificate - 2016

A listing of businesses registered in the City of Palo Alto Business Registry

Catalog of Enterprise Systems as of June 2018

SB 272 - Approved on October 11, 2015, adds a section to the California Public Records Act requiring local agencies to create a catalog of Enterprise Systems by July 1, 2016 with annual updates.

Catalog of Enterprise Systems as of June 2019

SB 272 - Approved on October 11, 2015, adds a section to the California Public Records Act requiring local agencies to create a catalog of Enterprise Systems by July 1, 2016 with annual updates.

Catalog of Enterprise Systems as of June 2020

SB 272 - Approved on October 11, 2015, adds a section to the California Public Records Act requiring local agencies to create a catalog of Enterprise Systems by July 1, 2016 with annual updates.

Catalog of Enterprise Systems as of June 2020

SB 272 - Approved on October 11, 2015, adds a section to the California Public Records Act requiring local agencies to create a catalog of Enterprise Systems by July 1, 2016 with annual updates.

Catalog of Enterprise Systems as of June 2021

SB 272 - Approved on October 11, 2015, adds a section to the California Public Records Act requiring local agencies to create a catalog of Enterprise Systems by July 1, 2016 with annual updates.


Catalog of Enterprise Systems as of June 2021

SB 272 - Approved on October 11, 2015, adds a section to the California Public Records Act requiring local agencies to create a catalog of Enterprise Systems by July 1, 2016 with annual updates.


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