173 resources for "city of palo alto"

2016 Business Registry

A listing of businesses registered in the City of Palo Alto Business Registry

Utilities - Electric

Statistics about the price of electric utilities in the city of Palo Alto

Palo Alto 311 - Broken Sidewalks

Live and historic records for all requests regarding broken sidewalks on the City of Palo Alto.


Palo Alto 311 - Building Maintenance

Live and historic records for all requests regarding Building Maintenance reports on the City of Palo Alto

Palo Alto 311 - Graffiti Removal

Live and historic records for all requests regarding graffiti removal in the City of Palo Alto.

Palo Alto 311 - Graffiti Removal

Live and historic records for all requests regarding graffiti removal in the City of Palo Alto.

Palo Alto 311 - Requests In Progress

Live feed with all 311 in progress service requests data for the City of Palo Alto.

Palo Alto 311 - Submitted Requests

Live feed with 311 service data for submitted requests for the City of Palo Alto

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