48 resources for 2016

Senate Bill 272

Approved on October 11, 2015, adds a section to the California Public Records Act requiring local agencies to create a catalog of Enterprise Systems by July 1, 2016 with annual updates.

Traffic citations and written warnings issued by the Palo Alto Police Dept.

All traffic citations and written warnings issued by the Palo Alto Police Department ( Jan - Dec 2016)

Traffic citations/written warnings issued by the Palo Alto Police Dept - 2016

All traffic citations and written warnings issued by the Palo Alto Police Department ( Jan - Dec 2016)

Traffic collisions investigated by the Palo Alto Police Dept - 2016

All traffic collisions investigated by the Palo Alto Police Department, including the primary collision factor if one could be determined. Also includes the number of people injured or killed. (Jan - Dec 2016)

Traffic collisions investigated by the Palo Alto Police Dept - 2016

All traffic collisions investigated by the Palo Alto Police Department, including the primary collision factor if one could be determined. Also includes the number of people injured or killed. (Jan-Dec 2016)

Water Consumption Information

Water Consumption Information - 2014 - 2016

Water Consumption Information

Water Consumption Information - 2014 - 2016

Business Registry : 2016

A listing of businesses registered in the Palo Alto business registry

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